Lazarus Island is part of the cluster of Southern Islands including Sisters' and St John's, and is now linked to the latter by a causeway. Once considered for development into a luxury resort cluster, Lazarus and the other Southern Islands have since been spared from certain concretisation as plans seem to be on hold.
As we clambered onto the island over the slippery algae-covered pontoon, we were warmly welcomed by this sign, erected all over the quiet island, warning leisure-seekers of its ulu-ness. Yup, no toilets or concrete paths, that's exactly my kind of stuff!

We made our way to the man-made lagoon Seringat-Kias, a sandy bay which at first sight, seems devoid of life.

Some rich kids pulled up in a boat and set up shop with their dogs for a relaxing morning of suntanning.

The happy doggies were very adorable. The terriers even had life-jackets.

There was some marine trash in this bay and it was both amusing and ridiculous, they kind of trash I encountered, like these goggles,


...a shoe.

...and a bicycle pedal!

But this seemingly clinical beach was full of life if you knew where to look! All over the bay were whelks, hermit crabs and tiny dubious nerites. I was fascinated with the variety of colours and patterns they sported.

They are very small too, something like about 0.5cm.

There were many tiny worms in the sand too.

Common sea stars were also in abundance.

As were the fish!

Here's a pretty flathead trying to be invisible. I like flatheads, I think they are one of the cutest fish.

A very cute silver whiting also trying to be invisible.

Near the sea wall, loads of oysters were growing. Here, an orange fan worm attached to a mound of oysters displayed its tentacles, filtering food particles from the water.

In the middle of nowhere was this seemingly stranded ghost crab. I checked and it was alive, but seemed a bit lost. These crabs are usually nocturnal and would bury themselves or scurry away at danger. Perhaps this one is sick or dying.

In the muddy (and very sinkable area) of the bay were lots of sea grasses, and these gum-drop ascidians grew in abundance.

Scattered along the bay, I spotted 4 of these banded peachia anemones.

Out and about in broad daylight were also these moon snails.

There were also these pink moon snails on the move.

Plenty of sand dollars were out and about.

And this sea cucumber was spotted in the muddy sea grass area near the seawall too. Ria says she's only seen this in Changi. So yay~ for another record.

There was also in the middle of nowhere, a clump of zebra coral!

This reclaimed bay seems to be full of life inspite of its clinical appearance! Look out for part 2 of the exploration of Lazarus as we check out the rocky shore on the other side of the island proper.
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