Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Cool wind in my hair, warm smell of ...wtf is that SINGING?!

I amaze myself sometimes.

A few minutes ago I was SO ANGRY with the downstairs girls that I had for the very ..second time, wrote to the RA to complain. (the first time was when my underwear got stolen in the laundry. Fucked up foreign students.)


I'm usually not one to complain about noise, I've even put up with nonsense like loud bass music in the middle of the night. Well mostly because with bass I cannot tell which room or floor its coming from. I'd say I'm a rather tolerant neighbour.

However I feel complelled to write about the girls staying on level 4. I stay on the 5th floor in room A and you can imagine what level of noise it must take for sound from the level 4 kitchen to reach my window.

I've visited my friend's level on the 3rd floor a number of times and hearing the ruckus from the level 3 kitchen confirmed the source of EVERYDAY noise.

It's bad enough that every evening, there is a lot of noisy conversation (read: a lot of loud laughing and squealing) to put up with. Tonight, as I write this email, there is SINGING coming from the kitchen.

If it were a birthday song, I might be forgiving. But NO. As I was making a drink in the kitchen, I can safely say that I have identified the repertoire du jour. I don't know what they were singing before I visited the kitchen, but while I was there, they were singing in perfect (loud) unison (I even heard a rumble of a boy's voice) of Grow Old With You, followed by a rousing (rousing here = loud) rendition of All I Want For Christmas Is You (and you and you and you) and followed by yes, CLAPPING. Not applause, but CLAPPING rhythms, and smacking rhythms on the table as well.

Anyway, you get my point. I know you are a student too, and that you probably are drowning in the workload or launching into study mode at the moment, but I feel I must bring this up. Imagine if I'm bothered by the noise, what more the people staying in the row of rooms along the kitchen area.

[I just heard some guy scream really loudly and the noise has stopped.]

Hope you could assist in some way soon, given we all need a conducive environment to study during this period of time.

Many many thanks,

this disturbed bunny

Of course I didn't sign off like that.

But on hindsight, I cannot believe myself. More often than not (and friends who have read recent angry emails from me to a certain taichi master can testify) my angry emails turn out to be funny.

How do I expect to get my anger across to these people then?! I HAVE A BLOODY PROBLEM WITH THEM AND THEY LAUGH AT MY MAILS.



The Supermixer said...

funny is good. translates in sarcasm. and shows you have wits.

why don't you shout at them like the guy did too? i would help u if i were there. you know, do my glare thing.

Nian Long said...

Hey Bunny...Why not...you get your pots and pans...and your cooking utensils...and go ask em "CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK...IS COOKIN'?!!"
Then give em a taste of some Rock food...