Monday, October 03, 2005

union book is HERE!

Our NUS Students' Union Commemorative Union book is HERE! The editors and some of the new exco members (and jem, immed past pres) waited eagerly in the office for the delivery. After the initial salivation over the beautiful book, we lugged all 1000 copies to the svc center to store, and went back to the office with our compli copies to ogle over.

Gorgeous. Already, people were saying "Oh man, it's SO much nicer than last year's!"

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And there we were, high from finally seeing this project to the very end. Having fawned over it for a bit, we finally consented to looking out for errors. And you know, never scrutinise your publication after its final printing, you'd just end up kicking yourself for all the small printing/editorial mistakes you never spotted.

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Gorgeous, just gorgeous. Merv*n really outdid himself with the design and layout :D The (equally gorgeous) official website is here.

Lovely. What a good day. I don't even feel guilty for not getting any work done. (Ok, maybe a bit when I was waiting for the delivery in the office. But really, 'twas hard with the exco people talking cock and watching tv and what not. I must admit tho, they are really funny people.)

We caught the Yulia showcase at UCC in the evening and she was really sweet. Even if most of her songs were covers, she obviously won many over with her personality. Ironically, her most impressive and moving performance was of her original song, "Russia".

Finally met up with abel for lunch. And so sweet, got me stuff from Bangkok; a tee and a cool bag. *I like.

p/s: Can you believe all these photos were taken with a mobile phone?

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